Agency: ThisandThat Studio


Das Susse Studio desire to create a fairyland of unique delicacies that is easy to transport has a long shelf life, tastes particularly delicious, like fresh from grandma’s kitchen, and of course is beautiful and unique, to look at. Hence, the cake in a glass was created with fresh pure ingredients and loads of love.
The challenge for the project was to create packaging that was modern, vibrant, and timeless. We aimed to deliver this feeling through the design. The colors and characters bring the flavors to life. We redefine the all-time dessert classics to create something fun and attractive.
The inspiration for this design was the flavourful ingredients that gravitate towards seasons. Each cake jar represents a character whose personality expresses the flavor and emphasizes the properties of ingredients that can be found in the cake.

Schokolino: Schoko Kuchen (Chocolate Cake)
Zitronella: Zitrone Thymian Kuchen (Lemon Cake)
Matcholino: Matcha Kasekuchen Vegan (Matcha Cheesecake)
Apfelinde: Apfel Kuchen (Apple Cake)
Kokobeerika: Blaubeer-Kokos Kuchen (Bluberry Coconut Cake)
Karottinello: Karotten Kuchen (Carrot Cake)

Instagram: @thisandthat__studio


Das Suesse Studio

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