We want a package design/label for our 4 ounce table salt product. The name of this product is Wicked Sea Salt.
PLEASE NOTE: The term “wicked” is used here as a reflection of the way New Englanders use the term to designate awe and reverence for something good and exceptional. We don’t intend it to mean wicked in the sense of evil, dark, or mischievous.
This is a premium product, and we want the packaging look, feel, and tone to reflect it. To this end, we’d like for the design to be in Black and White only.
The following information must be displayed on front of jar:
The company logo (which is attached; we can send another file).
The name of the product: Wicked Sea Salt.
NET WT. 4 OZ (must read as NET WT. 4 OZ (113 g)
The following information must be displayed on back of jar:
Nutrition Panel: (TBD)
Designed by: Nasrudiyanto,  Indonesia.
Sea Salt Sea Salt2

Sea Salt Packaging 4oz

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