Colorful Tea
Using the hands, heart & mind of the amazing artist Graça Paz, we present this colorful and soulful tea packaging. The idea was to create something unique, artistic and meaningful to express the qualities of the different teas and blendings by Rota do Chá.

Drunk in Tea
For the Special Edition of Porto Wine Tea, we wanted something special. Something classic, elegant and with the same depth of this great wine. It as a Portuguese feel to it, given by the colors and the flower arrangement. It was used a traditional typography that is often used by various Porto Wine brands. Rich, intense and adult, this packaging is all about elegance and made for wine and tea lovers.

Designed by: Alma Mater, Portugal.


Rota do Chá

Rota do Chá2

Rota do Chá3

Rota do Chá4

Rota do Chá5

Rota do Chá6



Rota do Chá

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