Every once in a while, if you’re lucky, a project can take on a life of it’s own; that’s exactly what happened with Roadies. What started out as a rebranding project for a rock centric hair salon, Rock Razor Scissors, quickly turned into a conceptual haircare product line for the salon.
Roadies, as any seasoned rocker will tell you, are the people behind the scenes working their tails off to make sure everything runs smoothly. The end product being a rock show that looks amazing and effortless. So it should be no wonder we chose to name these products after them.
Our Roadies were created to extend the style and attitude of the Rock Razor Scissors Hair Salon brand beyond the barber chair and into clients homes, bathrooms, tour buses, favorite truck stops, wherever a punk-rocker may find themselves. The hand illustrated sugar skulls were used to create memorable characters so that the customer knows exactly what bottle to grab without having to even think about it. The in your face instructions, written by copy writer Sean Collander, were printed on take away cards because who really ever reads the instructions to their hairspray more than once?
Designed by Sloane Michel, United States.
School: Chicago Portfolio School
Copy-writing: Sean Collander
Roadies 3
Roadies 4

Roadies Hair Care Products

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