Mr. Rolly
Logo, brand identity & packaging
/ The Brief
To give a name and create a brand identity for the ultimate & sweet family delicacy!
This absolutely fantastic new delicacy is made from sweet, yeast dough (raised dough), of which a strip is spun and then wrapped around a truncated cone–shaped baking spit, and rolled in granulated sugar.
It is baked above charcoal cinders while lubricated with melted butter, until its surface gets a golden-brown color. During the baking process the sugar becomes caramel and forms a shiny and crispy crust.
This absolutely fantastic new delicacy you can enjoy at any time of the day and is made with the finest and purest ingredients!! This delicacy is sweet, round and has delicious flavour and aroma!
You can eat it plain (with sugar and cinnamon powder) or topped-up with flavours of your choice, such as coconut, chocolate, biscuit, ground walnut and more..
/ The Concept
Mr. Rolly is as delicious as it’s fresh! Mr Rolly is your sweetest friend and his happy aroma brings you back to happy childhood memories! 🙂
/ Logo & Packaging
For the logo, a mascot was created that is inspired by the unique, cylinder shape of the actual delight.
The logo and overall package design gives this brand a friendly and fun feel, reflecting what the product represents. It symbolizes fun, happiness, freshness, a child’s innocence and the craving for a sweet, SWEET delicacy!
The color palette consists of pale colors – based on golden-brown and orange (the color of the sweet when it’s ready to be eaten) and the secondary colors are inspired by the colors of the possible add-on toppings.
The tagline “Τί γλυκόόό!” (Ηow sweet!! in greek) enhance the final end result.
Concept & Design: Sophia Georgopoulou, Greece.
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Mr Rolly

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