Miss Mary’s Morning Elixir is Bloody Mary mix that brings unique flavor and a handcrafted look with the entire branding and identity surrounded my the sultry “Miss Mary.” I love the unique packaging, the name of the product and how the label design translated to every possible medium from the website to a car wrap design.
“Miss Mary’s Morning Elixir is a premium Bloody Mary mix with a sexy vintage pinup look designed by Brandon Van Liere. The illustrated brand has a handmade feel that captures the product’s uniqueness and small-scale production, and has a personality that’s naughty and a little coy, as if the bottle holds secrets to be discovered. Van Liere created a comprehensive brand identity, from the label to the in-store merchandising, business cards, posters, packaging and website. The mix was an instant hit, and a second flavor will be released this fall.”
Client: Miss Mary’s Mix
Agency: Brandon Van Liere
Designer: Brandon Van Liere
Illustrator: Joel Herrera
Code: Cory Etzkorn
Bottle Photography: Dave Marrkley; Periscope
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Miss Mary's Morning Elixir

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