Graphic Design: Diego Leyva, Mexico
Products Photos: AGBA
Food Photos: Christine Siracusa, Alison Marras & Stefan Johnson

La Clandestina was created 60 years ago from a family tradition. Since then the quest has been to find the best native ingredients in Mexico. Dedicating a lifetime to perfecting salsas to give you the most unique seasoning, honoring the ancient cultural heritage of Mexican food.

As part of the graphic solution, we designed a set of icons inspired by Mexico’s ingredients and culture. The logo is a clean typographic handmade font and each flavor has a specific color palette taken from the ingredients each salsa is made of. We aimed to translate Mexico´s rich and complex visual language into the simplest joy and confidence.



Sketches Behance

Sketches Behance

La Clandestina5

Sketches Behance

Sketches Behance



La Clandestina

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