“JOIA started over a dinner with great friends. After years of creating his own sparkling drink concoctions, Bob, our founder, observed all of the interesting cocktail combinations of fruits, herbs and spices that were being offered and the question arose: why isn’t anyone doing something this interesting with sodas?”
“Friends were consulted. A mixologist joined the team and before long, a company was launched – Boundary Water Brands. Long hours were spent tasting and refining. All in all, over one hundred recipes, each made from scratch, and all made with natural ingredients, were tested with friends and family before narrowing down to four varieties. Without exception everyone loved them, and the joy of our creations is succinctly expressed in our name – JOIA.
We are committed to delivering exceptionally refreshing, distinctly flavored beverages that bring joy and celebrate life. Of course, we hope you will ‘share the JOIA’ with friends. It’s where our inspiration began.”
Designed By: DesignReplace, Minneapolis, MN.
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