This holiday candy packaging was designed as a collaboration of Sugarfina for alice + olivia, sold in alice + olivia stores internationally as well as online at
Available in a variety of sets and sizes: 8-piece bento box, 3-piece gift set, and individual large cubes.

Patterns line up in a modular format when boxes are stacked.

Box in bright white with Sugarfina’s logo, wraparound sleeve with alice+olivia’s logo

Candy selection for the 3-piece gift set in modular sized cube boxes and wraparound sticker labels to identify candy type and hold cube lids in place.

Gift sets available in alice+olivia stores in the US and select international stores as well as online at

Bento box gift set availavle at alice+olivia stores in the US and select international stores as well as online at

Designed by: Trisha Tan, USA.


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Holiday Candy Gift-set

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