Gif Gloss
Branding and Packaging

Gif Gloss is a nail polish made from 100% Pure Recycled Internets. It puts gifs on your nails!

Gif Gloss was born from the love of internet gifs and the translation to real world application. Gif Gloss was first introduced in 1997 accomplaning the release of the first digital gif. The buzz created from the debate on how to pronouce “gif” gave Gif Gloss its first real publicity. We have been growning ever since!

Gif Packaging

Every part of the packaging is a gif on its own. Using the negative space of the logo, the gradient becomes a gif when opening the product. A gradient was used as a simple and clean way of reflecting the gif concept throughout the packaging.

Designed by: Luke Guyer,USA.


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Gif Gloss

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