Shut Up Studio were asked to work with Doisy & Dam on their recently launched light range of Organic Chocolate packaging. They sent over piles of visual research they’d been thinking about with lots of bold, abstract and geometric paintings which formed a huge part of the mix. From these references we further developed research and created moodboards and set about coming up with the concept. Considering the brand’s current pastel and star based design we created some beautiful geometric patterns to develop the brand to the next stage, developing an individual pattern for each pack and picking a complimentary colour palette across the light range. Using a striped design and white to compliment the existing star pattern, we used two colours across all the milk chocolate and created a two tone yellow pattern onto a fully white pack for the lemon and poppyseed white chocolate, differentiating from the existing range whilst still considering the current feel of the Doisy & Dam brand. Doisy & Dam’s bright pastel colours are a point of difference in a competitive marketplace, this is something we wanted to consider and enhance through the design. Doisy & Dam did wonder at points if the new designs were a risk and developing too far from the existing brand, however were persuaded eventually to take the risk which has paid off, now available in an increased number of stockists, most recently being asked to pop up in Topshop, Oxford Circus. Perhaps this is partly due to the unconventional design of the packaging, being more fashion led and often commented on looking more like stationery than chocolate!

Designed by: Beth Salter, United Kingdom.


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Doisy & Dam

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