“Book object project or our choice. Since I love eating Kit Kats, I decided to do this school project on Kit Kat. 🙂
After measuring the Kit Kat bar, I calculated everything so I can make it into a book size. I designed and made the die in one piece. I also looked for the material: card-stock, cork (“wafer layers”) and aluminum foil for chocolate. After cutting the die on the cutting table, I glued it together. After doing some research about the history of the Kit Kat, I wrote the text for it and did the layout of my pages. When the Kit Kat book is opened, the pages are found inside the “chocolate bar” book.”
Designed by: Katherine Lee, Canada.
Kit Kat1
Kit Kat2
Kit Kat3
Kit Kat

Book object: The History of Kit Kat

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