Entered into AIGA’s “Home Brewed” Beer and Label Design competition. Created identity system, designed logo and packaging for craft beer.

First, to explain the name. I wanted to give some credit to the brewer of this awesome beer so to pay homage to his home state of Illinois, I decided on “Bear Down.” I was also able to make a play on words by using an image of a bear that is physically down (for all you Bear-haters). The tagline was also something I wanted to use throughout the packaging, “bear down, beer up.” As for the overall look, I used a simple, rustic appearance to go with the rustic quality of the beer itself and the bear name/look. 
Designed by: Hana Sarah Reichl, USA.
Bear Down Brewing Co.
Bear Down Brewing Co.2
Bear Down Brewing Co.3
Bear Down Brewing Co.4
Bear Down Brewing Co.5
Bear Down Label_Long

Bear Down Brewing Co.

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