The Brief
We were asked to create a standout gift box for the wildly successful Abelha Organic Cachaca, the essential spirit for the perfect Caipirinha. Abelha organic Cachaça is a distilled spirit made from sugar cane juice and hails from Rio de Contas, a beautiful old mining town which sits amongst the hills and valleys of the southern Chapada Diamantina. It is the most popular distilled alcoholic beverage in Brazil.
Our Approach
Such a lively, bright and unique brand deserved an imaginative, playful and witty gift box. So we took the brand’s key visual of the bees and worked closely with a box manufacturer to create a bespoke beehive structure for the drink to stand in. We then created ‘A very little book of cocktails’ to help people enjoy this spirit to the full.
Designed by: Design Happy, United Kingdom.
Client: Abelha Designers: Will Jones, Richard Bray, Jon Plumb

Abelha Organic Cachaça

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