Designed by: Supply

A family owned company, TopShelf make delicious artesian dips and condiments, free of preservatives and from the best ingredients. Looking to evolve their brand they undertook an energetic but off-brand packaging refresh that ultimately led to poor visibility on shelf and a loss of perceived quality. We initialised a series of workshops to identify their market, and the values of both the product and brand. From these insights we built a design-led strategy, and a packaging system that embraced what makes TopShelf unique; natural, batch-made, local, honest, a premium staple and artesian. Collaborating with designer Emma Rogan, we created a concept of artful plating presented through bespoke brush marks, natural ingredient accents that suggest taste, and crafted typography. TopShelf experienced a 430% increase in sales within four months of the new packaging launch without any supporting marketing. They’ve been restocked into supermarkets, and have rapidly gained new placements.






  • By
  • Food & Gourmet
  • December 3, 2018
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