Designed by: Tara-Lee McNulty, South Africa.

The task was to create a fictitious wine label. We had to design the logo/brand and other design elements. We were required to set up at least 2 finishes on the label. I chose to emboss and pad print onto the bottle.
Upon conceptualising this brief, I had no idea where to start or what route I was going to take. I started playing around with some scamps but nothing seemed to jump out. I then started listing all the different types of classic wines and from there I started to play with quirky quotes that rhymed with each wine. I then wanted to bring a character into my wine label somehow, so I started listing the type of characters associated to wine / alcohol and it led me to ‘drunk as a skunk’. I really liked this concept and decided that the title of my wine brand would be ‘The Drunken Skunk’. From here on everything was almost smooth sailing in terms of knowing my colour scheme and to start researching a font that would both relate to the personality/ physical appearance of a skunk and/ or to have a playful nature to it. The best font choice was Swistblnk Moabhoers – I chose it for it’s organic flow that reminded me of a skunks tail and it stood out when using white on a black background. Here I decided that all my bottles would be black, even the one’s that are white wine, just to be different and to allow the typography to be the main focus.
Wine Label Design2
Wine Label Design3

The Drunken Skunk

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