Designed by: – Design Studio ., Moldova.

Tesoro di Volpe is a complex project that saw the agency teaming up with the client in order to create a new trademark virtually from scratch. Taking the client’s requests as the basis, the trademark had a name and general legend developed for it, after which the packaging design was created according to the product’s general concept. As a result, a new line of premium wines was developed, produced from the best Moldavian grape varieties and destined for a whole set of foreign markets.
At the core of the Tesoro di Volpe brand (it. fox treasure) lies the legend of the Ancient Greek god Dionysus, who used to shapeshift into a fox from time to time, as well as the fact that foxes are very eager grape eaters and tend to choose only the best grapes. From visual standpoint, the packaging design features a temperate style with the application of certain techniques that emphasize the link with the treasure aspect of the brand – grunge label edges, certain type fonts, special wine paper. The result of our efforts is a product that looks stylish and modern, outlining the drink’s quality, while also referring to older times and long wine maturation.
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Tesoro di Volpe

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