Designer, Ashley Gustafson, created a classic look for Sue Bee Honey, an old-fashioned American brand of honey that was started in 1921 by a group of five beekeepers near Sioux City, Iowa.

“Its long and successful history of providing one of the world’s “purest foods” to customers around the world led me to a design strategy that is simple, warm, and inviting. The eco-friendly honey jar is made of Acacia and Teak wood from managed forests. A unique rope handle in the center of the jar’s lid allows you to pull the center lid off to place the honey stick inside. It is unique, beautiful, and creates less of a sticky mess. The gold foil added to the tops of the lids and the custom wooden box contrast beautifully with the wood and provide a successful parallel to the gold foil of the type on the jars.”

Designed Ashley Gustafson, Berkeley, California, USA.
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Sue Bee Honey2
Sue Bee Honey3
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Sue Bee Honey

Sue Bee Honey

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