Concept & package design:
Introducing the limited edition Sam Lewis coffee! What? Coffee? Yup, coffee… turns out touring makes for some pretty interesting connections. While on the road Sam met micro-roaster Kevin Duckett who owns and operates Smoky Mountain Roasters in lovely Waynesville, NC. After a highly intellectual and caffeinated conversation they came up with the idea of creating Sam’s own blend of coffee. The packaging and concept emerged from a play on the lyrics to one of his songs, next thing we knew we had the “Stay Out of My Beans” coffee. We all wanted to do something that gave back so with every purchase 20% of proceeds go to the Head Start Association (North Carolina Chapter). Not only do you get a great tasting 1lb sack of Light/Medium Roasted coffee that has been Handpicked and bought through Fair Trade…it comes with a FREE download of Sam’s ‘hit’ song In My Dreams! Go visit and buy one while they last… you get a legal high off the caffeine AND from doing a good deed!
Designed by: Pamela Esposito, USA.
Sam Lewis Coffee
Sam Lewis Coffee2

Sam Lewis Coffee Packaging

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