Located in the subtropical Liouguei District of Kaohsiung, Lion Mountain Pepper Plantation grows top quality pepper with a number of distinctive features, in particular its aromatic flavor. Pepper, a weak-stemmed plant deriving its support from climbing, twining, or creeping along trees, gives the Pepper Plantation a unique ecological appearance.

To enhance visual attraction, the image is designed using pepper vines climbing and twining along fruit trees highlighted by matured fruits. Bottle caps are imprinted with the image of trees twinned by pepper vines to emphasize the plainness and simplicity of pepper and thus create a new impression for pepper – an exquisite and distinctive product with limited supply.

Visibility and convenience are included into consideration when design concepts are developed. Three sizes of bottles and pouches are designed accordingly.

Glass, wood-grain, and naked packaging are included into consideration when spray design is developed, thus conveying the plainness and simplicity of pepper.

Wood-grain, glass, and spoon are included into consideration when dip design is developed, thus presenting the top quality pepper in a traditional manner.

Glass and bottle waist are integrated into the design, thus allowing diners to hold the bottle effortlessly and creating a luxurious dining experience.

Different feels and different tastes are designed for different dining experiences, allowing the strong pepper flavor to remain in the taste buds and thus contributing to a pleasant dining experience.

Huan da Chen(Leader), Taiwan.
Yang-Wan-Chu,Chan-ya-ting,Jian Sheng An,Yu-Man-Jun,Gao-Yi-Wen













Quality black pepper

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