Designed by: Antoine Pilette, Belgium.

The aperitif is the best time of day & the opportunity to share a friendly time. PickVeg eliminates the stress of preparations and offers you a range of ready-to-use organic products. Raw vegetables, flavored with original flavors, which will be nibbled without any complex.

Client: Pinktrees – Quentin Orban & Barbara Deckers
Graphisme & direction artistique: ōnō studio
Illustrations: Sarah Marchand



PickVeg - Apero time2

PickVeg - Apero time3

PickVeg - Apero time4

PickVeg - Apero time5

PickVeg - Apero time6

PickVeg - Apero time7

PickVeg - Apero time8

PickVeg - Apero time9

PickVeg - Apero time10

PickVeg - Apero time11




PickVeg – Apero time

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