Designed by: Bratus Agency, Vietnam.
Creative Agency: Bratus Agency
Creative Director / Designer: Jimmi Tuan
Graphic Designer: Trang pham, Tonbui
3D packaging mockup : Si Tran
Photography: Eric Huynh

Omix, established in 1999, is an agriculture brand that specialized in researching and manufacturing fertilizer in Dong Nai Province, Vietnam .
The main products are Mineral, Compound and Bio Organic fertilizer. Omix ’s product lines with multiple functions offer effective solutions for wide range of plants and crops. Meanwhile, the fertilizer aims to optimize yields, improve crop quality and nutritional value, increase soil nourishment, against infection, illness, pollution, and reduce environmental impact. Their main revenue comes from big retails in agriculture regions and small gardening stores.
Bratus was asked to join Omix on the way re- writing their brand story, that can be familiar to farmers and be able to communicate to customers, meanwhile satisfy farmer’s urge and needs. The packaging concept is redesigned carrying a positive message about abundant harvest season. The inspiration derives from brand’s slogan “ Xanh cây , Tốt Trái “ (Green plants, Great Crops)
Key Visual system inherits the identity motif, constructed from fruit and crop elements to create a set of patterns. Those motif makes up the graphic for different types of fertilizers, forming a flexible but unified identity system that is capable of adding new products in the future. To attract customer’s attention and create a visual impression, color system are carefully consider in each lines, which yellow, green and blue for Mineral, Compound and Bio Organic fertilizer respectively.
Typeface is simple and neat san-serif font with friendly round corners. Contrast layout is established between information, product lines tag and function.
With a brand new design, we balance between product benefits, function and features which are suitable for cultivation on large scale to medium family scale or even individual professional gardeners. Furthermore, the design presents and raise the products value, as well as consumer’s awareness of such simple goods on marketplace that is gradually saturated. Those packaging sacks can be recycled and reutilized with different purposes in daily life, such as bag, raincoat…


brand identity-stationary-bratus agency-fertilizer

business card-omix-bratus agency

Factory 02

fertilizer packaging design -omix-bratus agency

fertilizer packaging-omix-bratusagency



logo sketch-animal-deer-bratus


omix logo-bratus-jimmituan

omix-fertilizer packaging-bratus

omix-packaging design-fertilizer-bratus agency

omix-packaging -fertilizer-bratus agency.jpg

recycle bag-omix-bratus agency- fertilizer brand identity

recycle raincoat



Phan Bon Omix

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