Designed by Soulsight, the Original Miller Lite Can features the familiar images of hops, barley and the words “a fine pilsner beer,” which reinforce the high quality ingredients and the unique brewing process that consumers have enjoyed for generations.

“There was a time when all that existed was heavy beer that weighed you down. The launch of Miller Lite broke this category convention and offered beer drinkers the best of both worlds, great taste at only 96 calories and 3.2 carbs. Miller Lite is the original light beer and this limited-edition can celebrates that innovation and helps inform consumers of the rich history behind our beer.”
–  Elina Vives, Marketing Director, Miller Lite

Designed by: Soulsight , USA.
Miller Lite Can Limited-Edition
Miller Lite Can Limited-Edition3
Miller Lite Can Limited-Edition4

Original Miller Lite Can Limited-Edition

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