Design by: Anastasia Dunaeva

Oli – cosmetic brand based in Canada which produces natural tanning oils. Their main goal is to provide you awesome skin glow while using only 100% premium oils, provide you the best experience on the sun with full skincare protection. All products are vegan and cruelty free.

Oli is the new tanning oils line, so they wanted to create catchy brand positioning in minds of new customers. They wanted to stay elegant but still playful, femenine and be easy to connect with. The main task was to create brand identity and package design with shipment materials for oils (apricot, coconut and mango, almond and coconut) and skincare protectfyl after sun cream.

We decided to create whole creative direction based on the brand name. Oli can be a real character, someone you want to take with you. It’s your protectful friend on the beach. Inspired by sea views and our imaginary character, were decided to connect these two parts together by graphic elements. Were developed elegant graphic element – line, which can be translated as sea wave on the beach and as a signature of real person. We’ve used serif + sans serif typography to showcase modern but still elegant vibes. Brand color palette consists of nude pastel colors (pink, orange, brown) as emphasis on any skin tone, with main color accent – gentle light blue, which perfectly associates with sea theme.

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