Designed by: Polina Zagumenova, Russia.


OGRADA is a harmless natural garden pest control. It contains ecological substance, making this plant protection safe for your garden, your family, the natural wildlife and the environment. Designed for people who live in harmony with nature and want to preserve its pristine purity, it won’t harm living beings, even such annoying and unpleasant as insects.

The brand range consists of powder, spray for plants and paint for garden trees. Powder and spray exists in three types of protection: against beetles, ants and caterpillars. Paint protects from all types of pests and might be used preventatively from insects and different diseases.

OGRADA works like an invisible block from bugs. A bit of powder makes insects feel danger, so they don’t get close to a plant. Spray upper part of a plant in case it already has insects. Protect your garden peacefully with OGRADA!















Making the world green. Cropped image of woman in apron taking c

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