The objective of this project is to design a package for a selected product and generate a brand name for it. The project must contain at least one main package and a few individual packages (size various, depends on the product/s). This last term project is to develop an understanding of product branding and positioning, an understanding of package design language, an ability to think strategically and practically and an ability to develop alternate design solutions (second life).

I have selected spices as the main product I wish to work around with. I chose spices because I was inspired from my mother’s pepper photograph (it was a desktop background at the time) when my Packaging teacher, complimented it. I called it a “HOT IDEA” as a joke, however he saw potential in it. This motivated me to use and design something around that photograph. Therefore, making a spice kit with “it’s a HOT IDEA,” as the brand name, with individual package designs with a second life, were my main objectives through out the whole project.

The whole design involves spices (mustard, pepper, chilli and paprika) being stored inside light bulb jars in order to relate to the brand name “it’s a HOT IDEA” and to make the package unique as itself! The main package can hold 4 jars of spices and it is designed as a long triangle cardboard box. The box has extra slits on the sides to play as shelves to hold the spices that are resting on top of triangle coasters. The box is sealed with two lids and the user can access the spices by opening the box on the side to get the spices. The main box’s “second life” attribute is a spice rack. The 4 holes can hold the light bulb jars by inserting the jar inside. The design also includes 3 individual packages that can hold one jar and it is made from foldable cardboard box. The package does not have a second life but it can be hanged in store racks/hooks.

My design can be used in the kitchen and targeted towards young adults who love to use spices while cooking. This package design can be sold in grocery stores anywhere and it can be a gift box to give to people.

Designed by: Sarah Sia,  Canada.










it’s a HOT IDEA!

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