Lax Brewing Company, inspired by La Crosse, WI, brings to you their first Hard Apple Ale. After researching the demographic of the great city of La Crosse, we realize there are two major interests, health and drinking. They hold the record for the most bars on a single street in the United States. While the University specializes in health care and nursing with two major, nationally ranked hospitals nearby. Lax Brewing Company decided to incorporate the two together to create Hard Apple.

Hard Apple Ale is the perfect mix of apples and alcohol and contatins less calories than beer. Designed to be your go-to drink when you meet your friends for lunch after your afternoon hike up the bluffs. The design is simple and straight forward which strays away from the current ciders and ales we see on the shelves now. We find middle ground from the barely designed packaging and the overly fancy Cidres to appeal to both men and women and all demographics.

Designed by: Julia Schultz, USA.


Hard Apple

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Hard Apple

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