Fruit Drops is a candy packaging that is inspired by the structure of circular fruits, so that the packaging not only appear to imitate the fruit but also open like one. When open, the packaging can roll out into an organized and linear line of fruit wedges. Each wedge opens similarly to peeling a fruit wedge as though to eat it. When the user opens the wedge, it imitates the eating method of the fruit but as candies.
This packaging targets at young adults of ages 18-24. To make the packaging appeal to this demographic, the packaging imitate actual fruits to make it fun and pleasing to consumers. Fruit Drops is also a packaging that demonstrates sustainability. It is not only recyclable, as it is made of paper, but it can also reuse as a fun candy or stationery container on desktops. After inserting items into the packaging, the user can then roll it back into the circular form so that it occupies less space on desktops.
Designed by: Tresa Yam,  Canada.
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Fruit Drops

Fruit Drops

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