Forged Cologne (Colonia Forjada) is a Bilingual project that is focused around the rich history of Argentina, which gets its name from Argentum (Ag) – Silver. It is designed in English and Spanish, and is the literal representation of Forging Silver into a Silver bar of Cologne. This bottle was created to give attention to the Mountains of Silver, that seemed to Forge Argentina.
“My Cologne package is unique because it is more than just a scent, it’s a Cologne to represent the history of Argentina with the class and appreciation of materials. To craft my box, I used Oak wood from Jim Falls, WI, and crafted it with eight coats of heavy sanding and finishing with teak oil to bring out the natural grain of the wood. Velvet was fit to the interior, and the Cologne then fit snug on the inside. The belly band wrapping the box was printed on a reflective paper, and shimmers in the light on all of the white areas, which accents my logo and type.”
Designed by: Blake Spiegel, USA.
Forged Cologne

Forged Cologne

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