Fengfan farm products is a young brand, roots from jintan,a traditional village prossesses beautiful natural scenery and abundant agriculture resources locates in south china,fengfan aims on supplying fresh local farm products ,and celebrating/ educating traditional farming cultures to the city .recying ,culture and protability are keywords for this 10kg rice packaging design .in mandarin,”fish(yu)” is a homonym with “abundance(yu)” . people are using “fish every year “ as a blessing to each other especially duing spring festival. The one-piece design is not only structurally smart to emphasize the shape of the character, but also its two sides weight joint forms
The handle naturally ,which meets the need for carrying .traditional white canvas material and wax printing process enhance the theme of culture. Detailed graphic of rice and wheat represents the character of the products delicately.
Designed by: hailong xiang, China.
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