d’oré , a high-end cosmetic from Mauritius, South Africa. It to be branded product line is produced in Labonté, The Republic of Mauritius (RoM) & utilizes100% natural ingredients derived from Mauritius’ indigenous tropical flora. All products are animal test-free, & provide a Sun Protection Factor (SPF) of 35. d’oré was inspired by the name of national flora Trochetia boutoniana.
d’oré was inspired by the name of national flora Trochetia boutoniana in Mauritus. This cosmetic series derive unique trace element from the flower, Considering costumer of Berdof goodman, the sense of unique, luxuary, high-end is priority for packaging design. For the signature/ logotype, I’m trying to bring simplicity into this cosmetic. Therefore, I use simple geometric shape to compose a basic shape. In order to reduce it rigid, using some round edge to make it subtle is necessary, it becomes the logic of the logotype as well. For background color, I do some research to explore which color is able to represent high-end feeling. Purple is the color of good judgment. It is the color of people seeking spiritual fulfillment. It is said if you surround yourself with purple you will have peace of mind. Purple is a good color to use in meditation.
It also been used to symbolize magic and mystery, as well as royalty. Being the combination of red and blue, the warmest and coolest colors, purple is believed to be the ideal color. As a result, purple is my choice of cosmetic background color. Since making the essence of mystery, royalty is the priority, I use 3 kinds of purple to express this sense via gradient. Finally the contrast between purple background and the white logotype d’oré makes it easier to recognize. For the wrap, the logic of the logotype was involved in the diecut of the wrap to show the power of consistency. The product information below the logotype d’oré also give costumer the connection between cartoon and wrap. d’oré try to give costumer the best shopping expirence to provide therm rich nutrient to show their charm and confidence.
Designed by: Kuan-Ting Pan, USA.


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