Instant cereals for office workers

Instant cereals are mostly purchased by working women in the age from 25 to 55. Oatmeal is a low-calorie product that is why it is often found in food ration of a young woman keeping to a diet. Interviewing young women, who buy instant cereals to eat at their work place, helped drawing a profile of target audience and finding interesting facts, based on which a concept of packing was developed.

Target audience profile: Married women, 27-30 years old, with kids. They work in all-women groups typically. Average salary level. They spend most of their time sitting at a computer, which is why they weigh a little more than they should.

Target audience problems:
—They do not have enough time for themselves.
—They work, then rush to bring a kid home from a kindergarten, then cook dinner, clean rooms, etc.
—They have no opportunity to work out in fitness clubs, but they have a way out – a diet.

Packing as an outfit is a metaphor of a project. The idea to create a packing consisting of a number of portion packages in a form of dresses was born after the interviews with the target audience. One of the consumers of instant cereals said, “I’ll stick to a diet until my crimson dress fits me.” This phrase became a foundation of the concept. That is how “crimson dress”, “peach dress”, “cherry dress” and other cereals appeared.

“Diet Set” cereal is distinguished as a product for slimming through a peculiar form of a package with a waistline. The package is made of thin plastic. Such material allows clean and bright printing, which is critical for this design implementation.

Designed by: Arthur Lebsack, Russia.
















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