To design and brand Bee Natural as an upscale, slightly rustic, and eco-friendly company that aims to raise awareness about Colony Collapse Disorder — a mysterious phenomenon that is killing honeybees — and why we need honeybees as well as solutions to help save them. Bringing a combination of environmentally friendly design with an elegant feel, Bee Natural brings a new look to honey and other honeybee products while focusing on environmentalism and bringing awareness to honeybees and why they are important.
When looking for 100% natural and raw honey, one usually has to go somewhere more speciallized than a local grocery store and it is often packaged in a plastic container that does not fit the feel of the fresh, classic taste of honey. Often, the honey becomes stuck in this plastic container when it crystallizes over time, and thus not all of it can be used. In addition, plastic has been posing a large problem to the environment.
I solved this problem by using glass containers, which are more environmentally friendly, easier to recycle or reuse, and allows the consumer to finish the honey, even when it crystallizes over time. With the glass container, one is able to heat the remaining crystallized honey to bring it back to its liquid stage.
The label and price tags are printed on seed embedded paper that grows wildflowers, perfect for feeding the local bees while bringing a natural, handmade feel, contrasted with a modern and clean lettering and logo design. In addition, Bee Natural produces other honeybee products as well as products that bring awareness to honey bees such as the “Save the Bees” campaign.
Designed by: Alicia Marie, USA.

Bee Natural

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