Design the name, logo, visual identity and associated packaging for a grooming products line. In addition to this, a back story was created to explain the origins of the products and the motives of their creators. This is the story, (a sample of the soap version) as it appear on the box…
[My name is Charlie and this is the story of how our “stuff” came to be. Back in the Summer of 2009, me (a tax accountant), my teenage son, my video editor brother tired of cutting bank commercials, and our banjo-playing unemployed actress sister all moved to our grandmother’s farm in Sullivan County, New York, to winter the recession. Nanna, who is very wise, taught us everything we needed to know about farm life, including growing our own food and making our own grooming products, because she’s awesome like that. Pretty soon some people became interested in our crafted grooming concoctions, and we were like: gee, thanks! It’s been many moons since, and we’re still making these together as a family, but now we bring our stuff forth to the people. Because it’s good stuff.
This soap is also not just any soap, but artisanal, organic, wonderful soap. These days,there’s only room for one kind of soap in our shower: the right one. We extend you the same courtesy. We hope you will love it as much as we do.]
Designed by: Catherine Adreani, USA.
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Basic Stuff

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