I was immediately attracted to this Mezcal design bottle for its minimal design but strong use of typography. Mezcal is a very authentic Mexican alcoholic beverage. Auténtico Mezcal Alacrán (Authentic Scorpion Mezcal) comes from agave and the process is unique and originated from Mexico. The Alacran or Scorpion is also a common symbol in Mexico specifically in the state of Durango. This packaging represents Mexico in a clean and symbolic way. Utilizing the Scropin as the main logo and branding. The packaging is a bone color and has a soft touch feeling. The typography on the back is beautifully represented with different weights and is a great example of having typography on a bottle. Read more about this project from Sociedad Anonim!
“For instant classic you follow Alacran Tequila, Mezcal Scorpion Authentic comes in a white bottle with the same finish bone “soft touch”, to establish the relationship between products. Side applications reflect the essence and the source’s own handcrafted mescal.”
Designed By: Sociedad Anonima, Mexico.
Tequila Tequila2 Tequila3

Authentic Scorpion Mezcal

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