Designed by: Johnny Kotze, South Africa.

Fynbos is a world of finely branched plants exquisitely adapted to flourish in poor soils and wildly varying rainfall. South African fynbos largely makes up the tiniest floral kingdom in the world. The Cape Floral Kingdom of 2,285 species of flowers in an area a third the size of London. It has three times more plant species per square kilometer than those fabulously lush rainforests. I decided to create a gin packaging design dedicated to these incredible plants found only in the Cape. The area also known as the Cape of Storms with its breathtakingly yet turbulent beauty, of ocean, beaches and table mountain, the inspiration behind Cape Fynbos Gin. A culmination of my love for South African nature, art and design.


Cape Fynbos Gin

Cape Fynbos Gin2

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Cape Fynbos Gin4

Cape Fynbos Gin5

Cape Fynbos Gin6

Cape Fynbos Gin7

Cape Fynbos Gin8

Cape Fynbos Gin9



Cape Fynbos Gin

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